Who benefits from the West of Ifield development?
So the controversial plan to build a large neighbourhood around the North and West of Crawley, which will be a part of Horsham (where the residents will pay Council Tax) yet be so far from Horsham town that those living there will be unlikely to use its services and end up putting more of a burden on Crawley. As their FAQ states: “The exact requirements will be confirmed by Horsham district Council”

What is the plan here?
This was pushed out by Homes England (an executive body and quango operated by The Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government) appears to be slowly absorbing Crawley into a suburb of Horsham with this move in what I can only assume is a ploy to change the voting demographic of the newly mangled town. The real winner was how they “held a public consultation” in January 2020, whilst everybody was distracted with a new highly-infectious flu out of China, (prior to it getting named COVID in February)
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